華林國際佛學學刊 3.2
Publication Date: 2020-10
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Special issue on Buddhism and Technology, and Studies in the History of East Asian Buddhism
Pages: 297
The Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies (Chinese version) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes academic research using innovative new approaches, methods, materials, and findings obtained through interdisciplinary, multi-sourced, multi-media, and cross-cultural approaches to the study of Buddhism in East Asia.
Editor-in-chief: Ru ZHAN, Peking University
Associate Editor: Jinhua CHEN, UBC
ISSN 2705-074
—— 佛教與人工智能 ——
韓笑 | HAN Xiao
“機器之心”——上座部佛教視角下的人工智能之分析師茂樹 | MORO Shigeki
AI・佛性・倫理孫國柱 | SUN Guozhu
智慧生命的多元可能——基於《起世經》文本的哲學考察朱敏 | ZHU Ming
人工智能的“心識”限度——基於《成唯識論》的思考—— 東亞佛教歷史研究 ——
陳金華 | CHEN Jinhua
初唐“武僧”法雅 (?-629) 考論:隋唐時期僧侶的軍事活動與政教關係發端陳龍 | CHEN Long
《清涼山小志》考論王勇 | WANG Yong
大唐盛世與鑑真東渡——紀念大唐開基1400華誕湛如 | ZHAN Ru
《楞嚴經》翻譯與八世紀廣州佛教—— 回顧與紀念 ——
紀贇 | JI Yun
左冠明 (Stefano Zacchetti, 1968-2020) 的漢語佛教文獻學貢獻學述作者介紹