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Author: Robert Sharf

Translator: Jiang Huyu 姜虎愚, Lin Fan 林凡, Ji Yun 紀贇, Lin Peiying 林佩瑩, Zhao Lingyun 趙淩雲, Ding Yi 丁一, Deng Yuqu 鄧育渠, Zhang Dewei 張德偉

Collator: Ji Yun 紀贇

ISBN 978-981-17276-2-7

Publication Date: 2022


    Sharf, Robert (trans. Jiang Huyu, Lin fan, Ji Yun, Lin Peiying, Zhao Lingyun, Ding Yi, Deng Yuqu, Zhang Dewei). Xiafu Chanxue zixuan ji 夏復禪學自選集. Hualin Foxue Yicong 華林佛學譯叢 [Hualin Translation Series on Buddhist Studies] V, 2022.


    Robert Sharf is D.H. Chen Distinguished Professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Chair of the Berkeley Center for Buddhist Studies. Although his research primarily lies in medieval Chinese Buddhism, particularly in Chan/Zen Buddhism, he has also published extensively in the areas of Japanese Buddhism, esoteric Buddhism, Buddhist modernism, Buddhist art, ritual studies, Asian philosophy, and methodological issues in the study of religion. This compilation of Chinese translations encompasses a collection of ten notable publications authored by Professor Sharf which delve into the realm of Chan/Zen studies. These articles serve as a testament to his exceptional scholarly investigation into Chan/Zen Buddhism within the cultural contexts of China and Japan.



    讚語 | Endorsements 

    作者序 | Preface by the author


    上篇 古典禪:從中國到日本

    第一章 論淨土佛教以及中古中國的禪淨融合 

    第二章 覺悟的偶像化:中古中國禪宗大師的漆身 

    第三章 佛韋陀與禪宗的崛起 

    第四章 早期禪宗的有念與無念 

    第五章 中古禪宗肖像的儀式用途 

    第六章 如何用禪宗公案來思考 


    下篇 現代禪

    第一章 佛教的現代主義與禪修經驗的修飾 

    第二章 正念真為佛教嗎?兼探此議題之重要性 

    第三章 三寶教團:禪與新的宗教形式 

    第四章 禪與解構之術 





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