華林國際佛學學刊 3.1
Publication Date: 2020-05
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Special issue on Epigraphy and Xuanzang
Pages: 268
The Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies (Chinese version) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes academic research using innovative new approaches, methods, materials, and findings obtained through interdisciplinary, multi-sourced, multi-media, and cross-cultural approaches to the study of Buddhism in East Asia.
Editor-in-chief: Ru ZHAN, Peking University
Associate Editor: Jinhua CHEN, UBC
ISSN 2705-074
—— 宗教石刻研究 ——
陳志遠 | CHEN Zhiyuan
《慧光墓誌》所見北朝戒律學的展開馮國棟 | FENG Guodong
宋《大安塔碑銘》疏證劉泳斯 | LIU Yongsi
道㲀《顯密圓通成佛心要》新考王珺 | WANG Jun
遼代薊州地區佛寺碑刻造像流布與信仰調查研究——以千像寺為中心張雪松 | ZHANG Xuesong
房山石經《一乘法界圖合詩一印》發微—— 玄奘研究 ——
紀贇 | JI Yun
人主之地、象主之國:大唐語境下玄奘的世界圖景伍國 | WU Guo
背景與文本:玄奘和《大唐西域記》的歷史化山部能宜 | YAMABE Nobuyoshi
《成唯識論》“糅譯”的假設性再探楊劍霄 | YANG Jianxiao
讖緯、信仰與慈恩之衰——再論法相唯識宗衰亡問題張利明 | ZHANG Liming
玄奘對觀音信仰的新證據 ——以甘肅民樂童子寺石窟西遊記與觀音救難壁畫為例作者介紹