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SKU: 6J-2NJK-97O0

Author: Kōichi SHINOHARA 篠原亨一

Translator: LIU Xuejun 劉學軍
Hardcover ISBN: 978-981-18-2282-7

Publication Date: 2021-10-08
Pages: 558


    Shinohara, Kōichi (trans. Liu Xuejun 劉學軍). Zhouyu shengxiang yu mantuluo: Mijiao yishi yanbian yanjiu 咒語、聖像和曼荼羅——密教儀式衍變研究 [Spells, Images, and Mandalas: Tracing the Evolution of Esoteric Buddhist Rituals]. Hualin Foxue Yicong 華林佛學譯叢 [Hualin Translation Series on Buddhist Studies] I, 2021.


    This book is a Chinese translation of Kōichi Shinohara’s Spells, Images, and Maṇḍalas, a masterpiece of Esoteric Buddhist studies. Kōichi, in this great work, traces the evolution of Esoteric Buddhist rituals from the simple recitation of spells in the fifth century to complex systems involving image worship, mandala initiation, and visualization practices in the ninth century. He presents an important new reading of a seventh-century Chinese text called the Collected Dhāraṇī Sutras, which shows how earlier rituals for specific deities were synthesized into a general Esoteric initiation ceremony and how, for the first time, the notion of an Esoteric Buddhist pantheon emerged.


    In the Collected Dhāraṇī Sutras, rituals for specific deities were typically performed around images of the deities, yet Esoteric Buddhist rituals in earlier sources involved the recitation of spells rather than the use of images. The first part of this study explores how such simpler rituals came to be associated with the images of specific deities and ultimately gave rise to the general Esoteric initiation ceremony described in the crucial example of the All-Gathering mandala ritual in the Collected Dhāraṇī Sutras. The visualization practices so important to later Esoteric Buddhist rituals were absent from this ceremony, and their introduction would fundamentally change Esoteric Buddhist practice.


    This study examines the translations of dhāraṇī sutras made by Bodhiruci in the early eighth century and later Esoteric texts, such as Yixing’s commentary on the Mahavairocana sutra and Amoghavajra’s ritual manuals, to show how the incorporation of visualization greatly enriched Esoteric rituals and helped develop elaborate iconographies for deities. Over time, the ritual function of images became less certain, and the emphasis shifted toward visualization. This study clarifies the complex relationship between images and ritual, changing how we perceive Esoteric Buddhist art as well as ritual.




    Preface to Chinese version





    第一部分   三種儀式臺本

    第一章   陀羅尼集中的咒語念誦
    第二章   十一面觀世音形像儀式
    第三章   曼荼羅灌頂儀式
    第四章   普集會壇法的形成


    第二部分 《陀羅尼經》的衍變和觀想的引入

    第五章   陀羅尼經及其在菩提流支所譯密教經典中的衍變
    第六章   “不空躊索”傳統


    第三部分   走向新綜合:“成熟” 觀想儀式

    第七章   一行《大日經疏》:製造大曼荼羅
    第八章   不空的各種儀軌






    This book will transform the scholarly discourse concerning the relationship between dharani scriptures and esoteric Buddhism in the late Mahayana. In an area rife with confusing and competing theories, Shinohara has waded in and done the nitty-gritty textual work necessary to advance a coherent thesis on the evolution of the use of images and the emergence of practices of visualization. — Charles D. Orzech, Glasgow University


    Spells, Images, and Mandalas is the first study of early Buddhist Tantra to make full use of a vast trove of Chinese sources that predate, often by many centuries, extant Sanskrit and Tibetan materials. Through exacting detective work, Koichi Shinohara reconstructs the evolution of Buddhist Tantra from its origins in simple incantation rituals to more elaborate forms of image worship and finally to full-blown ma??ala and visualization rites. The result is a groundbreaking account of the development of Buddhist ritual traditions. — Robert Sharf, University of California, Berkeley

    Shinohara has given us an insightful and detailed examination of the transition between Mahayana and early Esoteric Buddhism based on Chinese sources. He has illuminated the development of practices that include the worship of images, visualizations, and the use of mandalas, and his painstaking discussions of rituals give us a vivid sense of how practices might have been performed. — Paul Groner, University of Virginia


    Shinohara has produced a bold, insightful, and original work that marks a milestone in the study of Esoteric Buddhist ritual. Among his many important findings are well-reasoned hypotheses regarding textual accretion, ritual theory, and the evolving role of images and visualization in the development of Esoteric Buddhist rituals between the fifth and ninth centuries. Shinohara's hard-won erudition is palpable on every page and expressed in clear and concise prose. Spells, Images, and Mandalas is sure to remain the definitive work on Esoteric Buddhist ritual for years to come. — James Robson, Harvard University

    Spells, Images, and Mandalas is a tour de force and the culmination of a lifetime's scholarly accomplishments.... It is a great contribution not only to the field of Chinese Esoteric Buddhism, but to the study of Buddhist tantra as a whole. ― Zhaohua Yang, Columbia University

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