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Editors: SHI Ciguang 釋慈光, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華 and SHI Xingding 釋行定
ISBN: 978-981-18-2004-5
Date of Publication: 2021-09-09

Pages: 470


    Cong Xizhu dao Zhongtu, cong Tangmi dao Dongmi: Fojiao Zhongguohua yu Hanchuan Fojiao guojihua de linglei gushi 從西竺到中土、從唐密到東密: 佛教中國化與漢傳佛教國際化的另類故事 [From India to China, from Tang Esoteric Buddhism to Japanese Shingon Buddhism: Another Story of the Sinification of Indian Buddhism and the Globalization of Chinese Buddhism]. Mingshan dasi xilie 名山大寺書系 [Series on Famed Mountains and Great Monasteries] VI. Edited with SHI Ciguang 釋慈光, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華 and SHI Xingding 釋行定, 2021.


    Esoteric Buddhism, or Vajrayāna, is one of the major components of Buddhist faith, and has undergone a long evolution from India to Tibet. In China proper during the Tang Dynasty, one of the heydays of Chinese Buddhism, Esoteric Buddhism also widely penetrated through all schools and sects of Buddhism at the time. However, there are many areas worthy of deeper exploration by the international Buddhist academy in the future, both in Indo-Tibetan and Japanese Vajrayāna studies, which are well established in Europe and the United States, and in Chinese Esoteric Buddhist studies, which are still in their infancy.

    In light of this, the International Conference on Esoteric Buddhism and East Asian Society’ was held at the University of British Columbia on March 7–8, 2020. At this conference, twenty-four scholars from different countries discussed various topics in the field of Vajrayāna studies in great depth. After the conference, we selected fifteen papers (including translations) and divided them into four sections to present the latest progress of Vajrayāna scholars’ research in this collection.


    總序   “名山大寺”:中國神聖空間叢書
    陳金華 CHEN Jinhua

    代序   從西竺到東土、從唐密到東密:佛教中國化與國際化的另類故事
    陳金華 CHEN Jinhua



    1.1   密教中的依他力
    嚴耀中 YAN Yaozhong

    1.2   圖像、儀式與密咒——斗母摩利支天密儀探究
    謝世維 HSIE Shi-wei

    1.3 空海與最澄的種姓理解
    李子捷 LI Zijie



    2.1   五形祭文與五藏曼荼羅——中世日本的五藏曼荼羅系譜
    阿部泰郎 ABÉ Yasurō

    2.2.  論千手干眼觀音變中出現的如意輪觀音和不空絹索觀音——以大悲心陀羅尼的念誦為綫索
    濱田瑞美  HAMADA Tamami

    2.3   內學與外道:雪域保護神十一面觀音來源研究
    李翎 LI Ling



    3.1   《菩薩藏經》與《如來秘密經》的對應關係——以與《如來秘密經》梵文寫本的比較為中心
    伊久間洋光  IKUMA Hiromitsu

    3.2   新見國家圖書館藏藏文密教儀軌殘葉初探
    薩爾吉 SAERJI

    3.3   敦煌本《金有陀羅尼經》研究——中唐敦煌密教文獻研究之六
    趙曉星 ZHAO Xiaoxing、萬瑪項傑 Wangmaxiangjie、江白西繞 Jiangbaixirao

    3.4   惠果阿闍梨胎藏法付法弟子辨弘考——以考證辨弘的“辨”字為中心
    岩崎日出男 IWASAKI Hideo



    4.1   西明寺的密學傳統
    湛如 ZHAN Ru

    4.2   密教五髻文殊信仰與法脈東傳探微——以日本醍醐寺藏《文殊渡海圖》為中心
    張書彬 ZHANG Shubin

    4.3   敦煌不孤——以“一行禪師設地燈”等為例
    侯沖 HOU Chong

    4.4   論西夏佛教之漢藏與顯密圓融
    沈衛榮 SHEN Weirong

    4.5   《南詔中興畫傳》與佛教密宗傳入南詔核心區域的一次文化突變事件
    鄧啟耀 DENG Qiyao




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