Narratives of Buddhist Practice
作者: 篠原亨一 (SHINOHARA Kōichi )
編輯: 陳金華
助編: 楊增、孫明利、林威宇
平裝 ISBN 978-981-18-2081-6
精裝 ISBN 978-981-18-2284-1
出版日期: 2021-01-01
頁數: 624
《佛教修行的敘述:漢傳佛典的編輯與翻譯研究 (篠原亨一自選集)》(Narratives of Buddhist Practice: Studies on Chinese-Language Canonical Compilations and Translations [Selected Essays by Koichi Shinohara] )。篠原亨一作,陳金華主編,楊增、孫明利、林威宇助編,2021年。
Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies: Preface
1. Biography and Sacred Place
1.1. Two Sources of Chinese Buddhist Biographies: Stūpa Inscriptions and Miracle Stories
1.2. From Local History to Universal History: The Construction of the Song Tiantai Lineage
1.3. The Story of the Buddha’s Begging Bowl: Imagining a Biography and Sacred Places
2. Monastic Practices: Rules and Stories
2.1. The Kāṣāya Robe of the Past Buddha Kāśyapa in the Miraculous Instruction Given to the Vinaya Master Daoxuan (596–667)
2.2. Stories of Miraculous Images and Paying Respect to the Three Jewels: A Discourse on Image Worship in the Seventh-Century China
2.3. The Moment of Death in Daoxuan’s Vinaya Commentary
2.4. Writing the Moment of Death in Biographies of Eminent Monks
3. Esoteric Buddhist Ritual
3.1. Removal of Sins in Esoteric Buddhist Rituals: A Study of the Da fangdeng Tuoluoni jing
3.2. The Esoteric Buddhist Ritual of Image Installation
3.3. The Ritual of the Buddhoṣṇīṣa Vijaya Dhāraṇī Maṇḍala
General Bibliography
About the Author