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Religions and Local Society

Religions and Local Society

編輯:陳金華 CHEN Jinhua、張德偉 ZHANG Dewei




  • 內容簡介

    《歷史、比較和理論視角:卜正民教授榮休紀念論文集》(Historical, Comparative, and Theoretical Perspectives: A Festschrift in Honour of Timothy Brook),陳金華,張德偉編,2023年。

    為了紀念卜正民 (Timothy J. Brook) 教授從英屬哥倫比亞大學 (UBC) 榮休,國際漢學界與宗教學界於2022 年 8 月組織了一場與本論文集相同名稱的國際學術研討會。會議主題為 “ 宗教和地方社會 ” ,旨在反映卜正民教授對於中華帝國晚期佛教研究的里程碑似貢獻。該領域自此以後,也經歷了長足的進步與發展。



  • 目錄

    Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies: A General Preface (Ru Zhan)


    List of Publications by Professor Timothy Brook


    A Recent Photo of Timothy Brook


    Imagination, Originality, and Diversity: A Free Mind and his Academic Pursuits (Dewei ZHANG)


    1. The Local vs the Cosmopolitan, The Central vs the Marginal

    1.1.    Timothy BROOK: What is Local Buddhism?

    1.2.    Xiangjun FENG: From the Local to the Diasporic: The Publication of the ‘Sacred Scripture’ of the Taigu School in the Philippines, 1927

    1.3.    Ekaterina S. SKRYPNIK: Buddhist Text Prefaces Attributed to Wu Zetian 武則天 (624– 705) and Some Features of Female Emperor Image Construction in Medieval Chinese Society

    1.4.    Marcus BINGENHEIMER: Strangers in Paradise: Foreigners on Mount Putuo in the Late Qing


    2. ‘Conspiracies’ between the Elite & Grassroots

    2.1.     Yuh-neu CHEN 陳玉女, translated by Joseph C. WILLIAMS: The Social Backgrounds, Dharma Lineages, and Achievements of Women Chan Monastics, 1572–1722

    2.2.     Barend J. TER HAAR: Religion as a Binding Force in Urban Society: The 1313–1314 Restoration of the Travelling Palace of the Eastern Marchmount in Changxing Prefecture (Zhejiang)

    2.3.     Noga GANANY: Popular Reverence and Commercial Publishing in Late Ming Hagiographic Literature

    2.4.     Johanna LIDÉN: The Pedagogical Philosophy of a Village Schoolteacher in Nineteenth-Century Sichuan


    3. Temples as Fields of Power

    3.1.    Bin WEI 魏斌, translated by Matthew A. HALE: Monastic and Political Culture in the Late Period of the Northern Dynasties: ‘National’ Monasteries, Political Districts, and Battle Sites

    3.2.    Anna SOKOLOVA: The Establishment of the Dharmaguptakavinaya Tradition at Kuaiji 會稽 in the Early Eighth Century China

    3.3.    Mónika KISS: Facing the Decline of Buddhist Believers in Japan: Some Examples of Community-Building in the Nichirenshū Sect

    3.4.    Mariia LEPNEVA: Refreshed Revival of Chinese Buddhism: The Vinaya Tradition of Baohua Mountain in the Eighteenth Century


    4. Religious Battling and Blending (1): Interactions between the Indigenous & Imported

    4.1.    Lianbin DAI 戴聯斌: Forging the Chineseness of Kaifeng Jewry: The Ming State and Neo-Confucian Elite behind 1489/1512 Inscriptions

    4.2.    Thierry MEYNARD 梅謙立: Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Late Ming Dynasty: New Insights from the Chengdu Conflict of 1643–1644

    4.3.   Rostislav BEREZKIN: The Mystery of the Miaoshan Legend Origins in the Perspective of World Folklore Motifs

    4.4.   Keping WU 吳科萍: ‘Buddhification’ and ‘Daoification’ of Local Religions in Contemporary Suzhou


    Contributor Biographies



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