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Jinhua CHEN

University of British Columbia


A member of the Royal Society of Canada, Jinhua CHEN is Professor of East Asian religious history at the University of British Columbia, where he also served as the Canada Research Chair in East Asian Buddhism (2001-2011). He has published extensively on East Asian state-church relationships, monastic (hagio/)biographical literature, Buddhist sacred sites, relic veneration, Buddhism and technological innovation in medieval China, and Buddhist translations.


His publications with WSP include:


  • From Xiangyuan to Ceylon: The Life and Legacy of the Chinese Monk Faxian (337-422). Co-edited by Jinhua CHEN and KUAN Guang, 2020. 

  • Xiantang shan yu Faxian wenhua: Hanseng Faxian (337-422) qi shengping yu yichan yantaohui lunwenji 僊堂山與法顯文化——漢僧法顯(337-422) 其生平與遺產國際研討會論文集 [Mount Xiantang and the Faxian Culture: Proceedings of the Conference on the Life and Legacy of the Chinese Monk Faxian (337-422)]. Mingshan dasi xilie 名山大寺書系 [Series on Famed Mountains and Great Monasteries] IV. Co-edited by Miao Jiang 妙江, Jinhua CHEN 陳金華, Kuan Guang 釋寬廣 and JI Yun 紀贇, 2019.

  • From Chang’an to Nālandā: The Life and Legacy of the Chinese Buddhist Monk Xuanzang (602? –664). Edited by SHI Ciguang 釋慈光, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇 and SHI Xingding 釋行定, 2020.

  • Cong Chang’an dao Nalantuo: Xuanzang (602? –664) de shengping yu yichan  從長安到那爛陀:玄奘(602?-664) 的生平與遺產 [From Chang’an to Nālandā: The Life and Legacy of the Xuanzang (602?–664)]. Mingshan dasi xilie 名山大寺書系 [Series on Famed Mountains and Great Monasteries] V. 2 vols. Edited by SHI Ciguang 釋慈光, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇 and SHI Xingding 釋行定, 2020.

  • Cong Xizhu dao Zhongtu, cong Tangmi dao Dongmi: Fojiao Zhongguohua yu Hanchuan Fojiao guojihua de linglei gushi 從西竺到中土、從唐密到東密: 佛教中國化與漢傳佛教國際化的另類故事 [From India to China, from Tang Esoteric Buddhism to Japanese Shingon Buddhism: Another Story of the Sinification of Indian Buddhism and the Globalization of Chinese Buddhism]. Mingshan dasi xilie 名山大寺書系 [Series on Famed Mountains and Great Monasteries] VI. Edited with SHI Ciguang 釋慈光, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華 and SHI Xingding 釋行定, 2021.

  • Yiseng yisu, zi nei ji wai: Dongya da shiye xia de Fojiao yu jiaoyu guoji yantaohui lunwen ji 亦僧亦俗、自內及外:東亞大視野下的佛教與教育國際研討會論文集 [Between the Sacred & the Secular, from the Internal to the External: Proceedings for the Conference on Buddhism & Education in the Pan-East Asian Context]. Wutaishan Dongfang Fojiao Wenhua Yanjiuyuan shuxi 五台山東方佛教文化研究院書系 [Wutai Research Institute for Eastern Buddhist Culture Series] II. Co-edited by MIAO Jiang 妙江, CEHN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇, KUAN Guang 釋寬廣 and FO Hu 釋佛護, 2020. 

  • Qingliang shan yu Huayang jing: Disan jie Wutaishan xinyang guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji 清涼山、《華嚴經》與文殊信仰: 第三屆五台山信仰國際學術研討會論文集 [Mount Qingliang, Huayan jing and the Mañjuśrī Cult: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Wutaishan Faith]. Wutaishan Dongfang Fojiao Wenhua Yanjiuyuan shuxi 五台山東方佛教文化研究院書系 [Wutai Research Institute for Eastern Buddhist Culture Series] III. Edited by MIAO Jiang 妙江, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇, KUAN Guang 寬廣, and FO Hu 佛護, 2020. 

  • Shan jingji: Fojiao jingjixue de lishi beijing yu xiandai zhanwang 善經濟:佛教經濟學的歷史背景與現代展望 [Good Economy: Historical Backgrounds and Modern Perspectives for Buddhist Economics]. Shanxue yanjiu congshu 善學研究叢書 [Goodness Studies Series] I. Co-edited by CHEN Jinhua 陳金華 and Rey Her 何日生, 2020.

  • Production and Preservation of Buddhist Manuscripts in Central and East Asia. Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies I. Edited by ZHAN Ru 湛 如, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇, 2020. 

  • Tones from the Stones: Production, Preservation and Perusal of Buddhist Epigraphy in Central and East Asia. Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies II. Edited by Ru ZHAN 湛如, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, and JI Yun 紀贇, 2020. 

  • Narratives of Buddhist Practice: Studies on Chinese-Language Canonical Compilations and Translations (Selected Essays by Koichi Shinohara). Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies III. Edited by Jinhua Chen, with assistance of Mingli Sun and Weiyu Lin, 2021. 

  • Fojiao xieben wenhua yanjiu: Xincailiao yu xin shiye 佛教寫本文化研究:新材料與新視野 [Study on Buddhist Manuscript Culture: New Material and New Perspectives]. Edited by ZHAN Ru 湛如, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇, 2021. 

  • Shi yun chunqiu: Zhongya yu Dongya Fojiao beiming de zhizao, baocun yu jiedu 石蘊春秋:中亞與東亞佛教碑銘的製作、保存與解讀 [History Embedded into the Stone: Production and Preservation of Buddhist Manuscripts in Central and East Asia]. Edited by ZHAN Ru湛如 and CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, 2021. 

  • Chinese Transformation of Buddhism & Crossborder Transmission of Buddhism: Pan-Asian Spread of Tiantai/Ch’ŏnt’ae/Tendai Texts, Ideas and Practices and Its Position in East Asian Society. Series on Famed Mountains and Great Monasteries III. Edited by Jing YUE 月净, Jinhua CHEN 陳金華, Song WANG 王頌, 2022.

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