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Production and Preservation of Buddhist Manuscripts in Central and East Asia

Production and Preservation of Buddhist Manuscripts in Central and East Asia

庫存單位: 0W-HF0S-6UL5

編輯: ZHAN Ru 湛如、CHEN Jinhua 陳金華、JI Yun 紀贇

ISBN: 978-9-81149-575-5

出版日期: 2020-12-31

頁數: 425

  • 內容簡介



    正是由於佛教寫本學的重要意義, 2018年8月29–31日在英國劍橋大學舉辦了名為“佛教寫本文化:中亞、東亞佛教寫本的製作與保存”((Production and Preservation of Buddhist Manuscripts in Central and East Asia)) 的國際研討會。此次會議中匯集了佛教文獻學、佛教史學、藝術史學、考古學等諸多領域來自各國的專家學者。圍繞著“寫本所見諸教交融”、“寫本的遷移”、“寫本的物質性”、“金石與紙本”等專題,學者在三天的會議中展開了深入的探討。我們現以此次會議之中學者所提交的論文為基礎來稍作調整,編纂了這部論文集,共收錄11篇英文論文。

  • 目錄



    1.       Manuscript Network in Central and East Asia

    1.1.      Distribution and Preservation of the Shi Moheyan Lun 釋摩訶衍論 Texts in East Asia: Did They Read the Same Text?
    Jiyun Kim 金知妍

    1.2.      Glosses in Chinese and Japanese on Manuscript editions of Yijing’s Translation of the Suvarṇabhāsottama-sūtra from Dunhuang and Japan
    George A. Keyworth

    1.3.      An Investigation of the Relationship between Prince Shōtoku’s Shōmangyō-gisho and Two Dunhuang Buddhist Manuscripts: A Debate over Originality and Canonical Value
    Mark Dennis


    2.         Manuscript as Transmission Media

    2.1.      On Kambala’s Navaślokī and Its Chinese Translation
    Daisy Sze Yui Cheung 張思睿

    2.2.      On the Transmission of the Verse-text of Sa skya Paṇḍita’s Tshad ma rigs pa’i gter and the Rang ’grel-Auto-commentary
    Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp

    2.3.      The Manuscript Culture of Confucianism and Buddhism in Medieval China
    Tong Ling 童嶺


    3.         Technical Aspects of Manuscript Culture

    3.1.      Colophons by the Tōdaiji Monk Sōshō (1202–1278): The Threshold between Text and Paratext
    Asuka Sango

    3.2.      The Establishment of Mongolian Buddhist Collections: Highlights of Physical Appearance and Production Processes
    Sainbileg Byambadorj


    4.         Prayers and Rituals

    4.1.      Offerings and the Production of Buddhist Scriptures in Dunhuang during the Tenth Century
    Henrik H. Sørensen

    4.2.      The Discourse Record of Layman Ruru and Its Transformations in Canonical Liturgical Materials
    Alan Gerard Wagner

    4.3.      Prayers for Mediation: Thirteenth-Century Textual Culture between Kōya and Kamakura
    Brian Steininger


    Author Biographies

